Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Why I Drink Infused Water

In my adult life, I picked up the very bad habit of drinking lots of coffee & carbonated drinks instead of water. When I began to be more contentious of what I put into my body, I began to make more of an effort to drink more water. Plain ole water was just not cutting it for me & I certainly do not like the taste of Crystal Light & other types of artificial water flavoring.

One day I got the idea from a friend as well as my sister in law to put fruit in water, so I gave it a try. I began looking up recipes on Pinterest. There are a TON of them out there! I finally was able to figure out what combinations I liked & then it was all history from there. My son even likes it!

Water is your body’s source of life. Being hydrated not only improves your health and naturally flushes toxins out of your body, but water also keeps your skin plump and elastic. God knows I need all the elastic I can get pushing 40 & all!!

Infused water is especially beneficial because it makes the act of drinking water more enjoyable, both for the taste buds and the eyes. As an added bonus, infused water has the sweet fruit flavors of fruit juice but without the extra calories or sugar & it doesn't have a nasty after taste that those artificially flavored fruit waters have.

Today I made Strawberry, Orange & Peach water:
  • 6 Strawberries, sliced
  • 1/2 Orange, sliced
  • 1/2 Peach, sliced  

I have a 2.9qt pitcher that I use for my water daily that I bought here. It came with a removable infusion rod that fits inside the pitcher, but what I found is that the water tastes MUCH BETTER without using that, so I don't use it.

Just throw the fruit into the pitcher & fill it up with ice. My refrigerator has filtered water, so the ice does not taste nasty woohoo!!

Next, fill er up with water & give it a quick stir

And there you have it! I just put it in the fridge from here & add more water as needed throughout the day. Whatever you do, DO NOT reuse the fruit tomorrow because the fruit will be 'wasted' by the end of the day & will not have anything left to give. This is something you want to do DAILY folks!

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